


Located on the Gulf of Benin, between Benin and Ghana, Togo is one of the smallest countries in West Africa with 56,785 km2 of area and an estimated population of about 7.9 million inhabitants in 2018. It stretches for about 700 km from north to south with a width witch is not beyond 100 km. Despite the fact that Togo has small area, the country is recognized for the great diversity of its landscapes. In fact, Togo at the south has a coast of fine sand bordered with coconut trees; hills, green valleys and small mountains (the Atakora range) in the center and arid plains and large savannahs planted with baobabs in the north.

The official language of Togo is French. The two national languages are Ewe and Kabye. There are also 53 dialects spoken in Togo including moba, tem, peul and the mina (Ewe dialect spoken in Lomé) which serves as a common language mainly in the south of the country, but also throughout the country.

Togo’s economy is mainly based on agriculture and livestock including poultry. The climate plays an important role in agriculture and characterizes the various agricultural products that the country exploits. Togo has a tropical climate that gives rise to two climatic zones:

- A subtropical zone in the south characterized by average rainfall about 900 to 1200 mm3 per year and divided into rainy and dry seasons (from March to July and from September to November). In this zone, the average temperature is between 24 and 33°C.

- A Guinean-Sudanian zone in the center with an average rainfall of 1400 or 1600 mm per year, in the mountainous areas of the West. The average temperature varies from 20°C to 33°C. There is only one rainy season (April to July) and one dry season.

Many training centers, private’s one and two great public universities exist and cover the domains of health, agriculture, economy… Togo therefore possesses human capital that must be profitable for the development of the country.

Concerning the tourism, the country presents natural points. Among them, at the north- East, we have the "Batammariba" and their clay habitats with turrets called "takienta". Koutammakou’s hamlet is used for rituals and initiatory celebrations. There is a strong correlation between nature and traditions. Before entering the savannah, we can observe granary, cavern of Nok and Mamproug which serve as refuge. Lot of parcs as Fazao-Malfakassa, Kéran, or the reserves of Oto-Mandouri and Alédjo are so attractive. Don’t miss the palace of governors or the site of Hood Home in the memory of slave’s trade.

Togolese have several gastronomic specialties. Among them, we find "akoumé, fufu and ablo" (made from corn, millet, yam, cassava or plantain) tasted with fish, seafood, meat and vegetables. "Gboma" soup, made of spinach is served with goat meat, dried fish or crab. We also find the donuts of beans called "aklan" or "gaou" which is spicy and accompanied by millet porridge "koko". Taste also "Djécoumê", especially eaten in South-Togo.

Meetings and workshop will take place at CERSA located on the campus of the University of Lomé on boulevard Eyadéma.

DATE: 13 to 17 May 2019.

Some points for the subscription of this congress:
- sending of communication’s summary via this email address:
- participation fees will be paid following:

   Amount on CFA
   Students  Researchers and Professional
 National and ECOWAS members  15 000  50 000
 Non ECOWAS members 25 000 (38 euros) 100 000 (150 euros)

NB : these fees can be paid cash, by check on the day of subscription or by transfer to this following account:


ECOBANK TG055 01708 141 421 128 402 55

Concerning the registration of the participant, it will take place at the secretariat of the steering committee located in CERSA on the first day of the congress.

English and French are the two languages used during the congress.

It is required no visa for the ECOWAS members. The non ECOWAS members are permitted to enter the country with a visa established by the consular representatives of Togo in their own countries. Therefore, there is a possibility apply for the visa of entry when arrived at the airport or at the borders of the country.

The organizing committee will welcome at the airport any participant who wishes so. But he must early specify his date, his arrival time and his flight by writing to the secretariat of the organizing committee. The participants, who will use the roadways, will have to communicate their itinerary to the organizing committee.

Daily local transport of participants in the indicated hotels will be provided by the Organizing Committee.

GMT is normal time in Togo.

The official currency is CFA Franc. 1 Euro = FCFA 655.957.

Most of the banks open from Monday to Friday and work from 8 am to 4 pm. On Saturdays, banks open from 8 am to 12 am.

The voltage is 220 volts in Togo. Make sure you have a voltage converter if your devices can not support this voltage. Generally, points of sale accept type C electrical plug (Euro plug): two-wire plug that has two round pins. If your device has a different plug then, you may need an adapter.

Most of the roadways are good. In Togo, we drive right.

City center of the capital Lomé is well lively 24 Hours over 24. Touristic areas are in full activity the day, so you can walk safely. Even though crime is less in Togo, visitors are asked to be careful.

There is some local travel agency specialized in tourism. If you want to visit campaign, please kindly let us know and we shall assist you.

A yellow fever vaccination certificate is required from all participants. It should be noted that the Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate is valid for ten (10) days after the date of vaccination or in case of revaccination from the date of revaccination. You can consult your doctor before you travel and also take health insurance.

Each participant is required to make a reservation for his own or with the help of the organizers in the following hotels and restaurants:

Hôtel Eda-Oba, is 2km 700 far from the conference place. It is located on Boulevard Gnassingbe Eyadema, and has a swimming pool, Gym center etc…
About FCFA 78,000 to 333,000 night accommodations fess including breakfast. Any additional bed is charged 10,000 FCFA.
PO Box: 3481 Lomé-Togo
Tel : 0022822201818/ 0022822207576
Web site :, E-mail :,

- Hôtel la Concorde
This hotel is located in the area of Adidoadin, boulevard Faure E. Gnassingbe. Hôtel la Concorde offers rooms about 55000 to FCFA 155,000 FCFA, with tourist tax: FCFA 1,000. The breakfast is included in the fees of the accommodation. The coffee break is FCFA 3,000, FCFA 14,000 for the lunch and about FCFA 12000 to FCFA 14,000 for buffet.
PO Box : 20275 Lomé-Togo
Tel : 0022822505050/ 0022822505555
Web site:, E-mail :

- Hôtel Excellence
At 2km 700 from the congress' place, Hotel Excellence is situated in the city center, on ‘la rue des hydrocarbures’ near Togo-Gaz. The rate is about FCFA 25,000 to 55,000 per night with a possible additional bed for FCFA 7,000.
PO Box: 8843 Lomé-Togo
Tel: 0022822221105/ 0022893948007/ 0022896845494
Web site: , E-mail :

NB: for further information, please to contact the secretariat of the organizing committee at this address:
Tel: +228 91424219

Abstract of the communication

The panafrican poultry (PPC) conference is co-organized by the Regional Center of Excellence on Poultry Sciences – CERSA and World Poultry Science Association (WPSA), Togo branch. Many researchers from many countries are expected.
Every researcher, professional of poultry farming should send the abstract of their research to
The summary must be written in French or English and according to the following format:

TITLE: capital letter, bold style (maximum 2 lines).

Write the first name and the last name (Eg: Joseph CASENOR).
The first author will be the one presenting, kindly indicate it by underlining it.
(Eg: Joseph CASENOR).
Identify each author's affiliation with an exhibitor
(Eg: JoeTremblay1, Joe COFI² and Jean BlOUME3).

Write the name of the institution without the postal address.
Identify each affiliation with an exhibitor (Eg : 1Laboratoire de physiologie aviaire-CERSA Université de Lomé, 2Département des sciences de la santé avicole-Université de Lomé).

Not more than 500 words font style « Times new roman» (size 12).
A well-structured abstract will present the following sections clearly mentioned in the main text: problematic, objectives, methods, results and conclusion.
Kindly, use a minimum of abbreviations and define them immediately after first use.
Avoid using a number at the beginning of sentences. Tables and figures should not be inserted in the abstract.

NB: Any abstract that is not in accordance with the above guidelines will be rejected



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  • NIDEOU DASSIDI, doctorant tchadien en Sciences Aviaires Toutes ces expérimentations que j’ai réalisées au Laboratoire des Sciences Aviaires m'ont permis d'avoir une expérience professionnelle probante, et m'ont conforté dans mon projet de devenir chercheur en Sciences Aviaires.
    NIDEOU DASSIDI, doctorant tchadien en Sciences Aviaires

  • Martine GANDJETO « J’ai soutenu sur le thème ‘’Evaluation des propriétés enzymatiques des termites utilisés en alimentation des poulets de chair au Bénin’’. Ça a été une expérience riche en découvertes. Je compte bien m’installer en créant une usine de fabrication d’aliment de volaille ».
    Martine GANDJETO

  • N’NANLE Oumbortime, doctorant togolais en Sciences Aviaires La dimension régionale matérialisée par la sélection d’étudiants anglophones est une chance pour nous francophones d’améliorer significativement notre niveau en anglais scientifique.
    N’NANLE Oumbortime, doctorant togolais en Sciences Aviaires

  • Pyalo Tchoou, Elève-avicultrice (2016) J’avais de petites notions sur les poules pondeuses que je veux élever mais avec cette formation modulaire avec différents cours tels que la gestion et le suivi des poules pondeuses et coquelets que nous a donnée le CRSA, je me sens prête pour mener à bien mes activités
    Pyalo Tchoou, Elève-avicultrice (2016)

  • N’NANLE Oumbortime, doctorant togolais en Sciences Aviaires Etudier au CERSA, c’est l’assurance d’un appui financier pour publier nos travaux de recherches dans des journaux scientifiques de renom. En outre, l’excellence visée par le centre représente un gage d’insertion professionnelle rapide.
    N’NANLE Oumbortime, doctorant togolais en Sciences Aviaires

  • Amedzrovi Ablamvi, Elève-aviculteur (2016) La formation prodiguée par le CERSA m’a donné l’opportunité de renforcer mes connaissances et compétences en matière d’aviculture
    Amedzrovi Ablamvi, Elève-aviculteur (2016)

  • Yagla Baréléma, Elève-avicultrice Pour l’heure je n’ai pas beaucoup d’argent pour commencer véritablement mais cette formation qui est le fruit du partenariat entre le CERSA et le Fonds d’Appui aux Initiatives Economiques des Jeunes, j’ai la ferme conviction que tout ira bien puisque j’ai la volonté de pratiquer l’aviculture.
    Yagla Baréléma, Elève-avicultrice

  • Ali KOLANI « J’ai travaillé sur ‘’Effet de l’incorporation de l’huile de palme sur les performances de ponte et sériques des poules pondeuses’’. C’est un réel plaisir d’avoir fini ce master. Et j’aimerais, par la suite, travailler sur la modélisation de la production des œufs au Togo ».
    Ali KOLANI

  • Edith GANGBEDJI « J’ai soutenu sur le thème ‘’Analyse de la chaîne de valeurs ajoutée des aliments de volailles au Bénin’’. Je suis soulagée d’être à cette étape. C’est un thème d’actualité. J’aimerais approfondir ce thème car si nous voulons promouvoir l’aviculture dans nos pays, nous devons chercher à maîtriser les différentes étapes de la filière ».

  • Florence Missodé, Elève-avicultrice  (2016) J’ai une petite parcelle que je peux exploiter et j’ai un peu de moyens financiers aussi. Avec cette formation du CERSA, je pense avoir les moyens de devenir une bonne avicultrice.
    Florence Missodé, Elève-avicultrice (2016)

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